Monday, November 30, 2015

1st Annual TV Seasons Hall of Fame

Can you dig it!!!  Welcome to the 1st Annual Television Seasons Hall of Fame.  Or T-SHOF for short.  I am El Guapo, proprietor of the Infinite Wisdom blogs and co-host this evening.  My co-host is non-other than Omar De La Cruz from Penny For Your Thoughts.  Now, for those who are not familiar, Omar is my best friend and is something of a film and television connoisseur.  He agreed to lend his expertise for this grand event.  No collabo has ever been as anticipated as this since rumors of a J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar joint project started circulating, except that might never happen.  (Just putting that out there.)  This is like when Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro teamed up to make Heat.  We're basically the Splash Brothers of blog writing.  So, that's what you guys get to look forward to.

So what is the T-SHOF?  It is a ceremony of epic proportions that celebrates television in a way nobody has.  Of course, we have the Emmy's to celebrate TV, but this is different.  The Emmy's award TV shows and the people who work on them.  Omar and I are immortalizing them.  See, winning an Emmy is kind of like earning a trip to the Pro Bowl: it's cool.  But being selected to our Hall of Fame?  That's just like... being selected to the Hall of Fame.  So, yeah.  This is better.  Now, we're not here to countdown the greatest TV shows ever.  The internet is saturated with lists like that and they all contain the usual suspects: Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.  What we want to acknowledge are the greatest TV seasons, from premier to finale, that have ever graced the small screen.  We are rewarding individual seasons for their excellence.  We are looking for television seasons that had a profound and memorable impact on on the small screen.  Shows can have multiple seasons in the Hall, but they can't be inducted in the same year.  (This is to prevent a show from dominating a HOF ceremony.)  In theory, a show with only one really good season, like The Newsroom, can get recognized in the HOF, and a show like Breaking Bad can have multiple seasons get inducted, just not all at once.

Omar and I have worked ferociously putting together a pool of nominees and voting on them.  A lot of TV hours have been logged between us and it shows in our bloodshot eyes.  If you think a show was left off our Hall Of Fame, don't worry: this will be an annual occurrence and TV seasons will get inducted every year.  So sit back, crack open a beer, and enjoy an award ceremony bigger than the Oscars, Golden Globes and Dundies combined.


Mad Men
Season 4
Omar De La Cruz: 
I'll admit that it took me a few tries, spread across a couple years, to really get into Mad Men.  All the non-stop awards and recommendations from respected friends kept me watching, but it didn't take long for me to get hooked on the fascinating inner workings of Madison Avenue ad agencies and the charismatic persona of Don Draper.  Season 4 is Mad Men at its best. Without giving too much away, we follow Don Draper during the year of 1964/65 and while the world's eyes may have been on the fight between Ali and Liston, mine were firmly glued to the existential storm raging inside Madison Ave's most secretive ad man.  From crippling alcoholism to Disneyland, this season has it all.

Breaking Bad
Season 4
El Guapo:
Breaking Bad is a show that would top any best series list.  Just look at the series' accolades.  This series inexplicably got better and better from season to season.   Picking one season is hard enough, but I had to go with my gut and go with season 4.  The fourth season is the pinnacle of creator Vince Gilligan's masterpiece.  Jesse goes full depressed mode while Walter scrambles for his life knowing Gus's end game.  A season in which Gus and Walt play cat and mouse is a classic whether you're a television connoisseur or just a casual viewer.  From the opening scene of the season premiere to the final credits of the finale, no other show had quite the grip Breaking Bad had on audiences.

Game of Thrones
Season 3

El Guapo:
The best season of GoT is absolutely debatable.  You can make a case for any of the seasons (except season 5) and I would have to sit and strongly consider your case.  What makes a great Game of Thrones season, though?  Is it character development?  Is is memorable scenes?  Is it plot advancement?  Well season 3 has you covered on all fronts, but all I really need to say are two words, and they rhyme with lead bedding.  Yes, the Red Wedding was and still is one of the most talked about moments in television.  This was a standout season for many of our beloved characters.  So much happens this season from King's Landing to across the Narrow Sea.  Plus, Jamie Lannister pulls off the amazing feat of being a despised character to a favorite, all in less than a season.  All it took was losing his hand.


Arrested Development
Season 2

El Guapo:
The Bluthe family is undoubtedly the most dysfunctional set of relatives ever assembled on television, and that's what made the show so great.  Perfect in its casting, the show delivered laughter because some of the best comedic actors and actresses were working with genius writing.  Arrested Development season 1 is classic in it's own right, but season 2 is when the series really hit its stride.  George Sr. fakes his death and hides in the Bluthe attic; Gob takes over the family business; Buster attempts to join the army; Tobias blues himself; George Michael begins to date Ann (her?).  Every episode brought an avalanche of hilarious moments, but episodes like !Amigos! and Hand to God were in another level.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Season 4

Omar De La Cruz:
I started watching this show only maybe a year or two ago but once I started I simply could not stop. It is vulgar, disgusting, offensive...and I mean that in a good way. One time I watched three seasons in 3 days because the show was that addictive. Season 4 is in my mind the best serving the gang from Paddy's Pub has offered. In addition to solving the gas crisis, this season also has an entire episode dedicated to solving the mystery of who pooped the bed and most importantly, introduces us to the infamous NIGHTMAN!

The Office
Season 2
El Guapo:
The Office had a run like no other that produced nothing but quality TV until Steve Carrel left the show.  During that time you could guarantee that any given episode would have you quoting lines from the show to your friends and family.  Season 2 was the pinnacle of the whole show.  It's as close as a show can get to perfection.  Kicking off with the season premiere, The Dundies, this season came running out of the gate and never slowed down.  The relationship between Jim and Pam became a focal point of the season, and a classic will they, won't they dynamic ensued.  But it was the antics of Michael Scott that kept people tuning in each episode.  Seriously, you can pick any episode from season 2 to show to an Office virgin and you will get them hooked.

El Guapo is a talented blogger on the rise, regarded by many as a cross between Bill Simmons and Socrates.  Through real life experience and expertise in many facets of life, the Guaps aims to provide readers with unique takes that will enhance the way they think and live.  Keep up with his main blog Infinite Wisdom From El Guapo’s Brain.  NBA fans have to place to go with his basketball blog, Infinite Wisdom on the NBA.  Like him on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.  Leave comments in the section below.  Stay Guapo out there!

From humble beginnings: Myself on the far left; Omar second one on the left

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